It Is Important to Contact an Experienced Attorney As Soon As Possible
From the moment you are contacted concerning what appears to be a criminal investigation involving yourself, or are arrested or charged with a crime, your criminal case has commenced. It is extremely important that to protect your legal and constitutional rights, you IMMEDIATELY contact a criminal defense attorney to explain to you the criminal process and to assist you in the defense of your rights. We offers a complimentary phone consultation. A simple phone call can change your life.
Denver Based Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving The Nation
The Law Office is located in Colorado. As a Federal and State Criminal Defense Attorney based in Colorado, We have handled numerous cases in state court and federal court throughout the the United States. In Attorney years of experience in the practice of criminal law he has handled thousands of cases covering almost every facet of criminal law.
Practice Areas
Abogado De Defensa Criminal En Denver Ayudando A Clientes En Español
Si usted ha sido arrestado, y no habla inglés, el abogado de defensa criminal en Denver lo puede ayudar. Lleva más de 40 años ayudando a clientes de habla hispana, y previniendo su encarcelamiento. Si usted necesita ayuda legal en español, puede llamar al 303-629-9069, y obtendrá una consulta gratis en su idioma con el abogado de defensa criminal.